Homemade Jr. Mint Recipe!

Junior Mint Recipe

(makes approximately 75 candies)



3 ounces cream cheese (room temperature)

1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract

3 1/2 cups powdered sugar



8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate

1 tablespoon coconut oil



Beat cream cheese with a hand mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in mint extract and powdered sugar until the dough forms and feels like play dough. Roll into tiny balls, place on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper or a silicone mat, and press each one gently into a patty shape. 


Melt the chocolate and coconut oil either in a bowl over a pot of boiling water (called the double-boiler method) or in the microwave stirring after each 30 second interval until melted. 


Dip each patty into the chocolate, using a fork to lift and place back onto the cookie sheet. Let the tray of mints cool in the fridge until the chocolate is set. 


Store leftover mints in the fridge.

Things we learned:

Our dough was too sticky to roll at first, so we needed to add a little more powdered sugar.

If the chocolate is too hot, the patty will melt! 

The candy was more like a York Peppermint Patty than a Junior Mint, but still delicious.

Behold the awesomeness of the home made Jr. mint

Behold the awesomeness of the home made Jr. mint